Mogamigawa funauta [Min'yō (traditional Japanese folk songs)] 最上川舟唄 (日本民謡)

2024-09-14 5

A performance of the Mogamigawa funauta, an Yamagata min'yō, with lyrics. 山形県民謡の最上川舟唄の演奏と歌詞、簡単な説明です。
Meaning of the lyrics:
[boatmen’s call]
I am heading down the river to Sakata. Stay well and don’t catch the flu.
The fish sauce stew with forked radish is too salty to eat.
The yamase wind [generally a cold northeast wind that blows from early summer to summer, but here it refers to a wind blowing from land to sea] has started blowing. Let’s give up going any further. Don't blame me, blame the wind.
It's all for the sake of that girl. No matter how much I earn, it’s never enough.

Boat transport on the Mogami River was prosperous. This song is a modern min'yō of a boating song. In 1936, Watanabe Kunitoshi and Gotō Iwatarō arranged it using the boatmen's calls and the song "Sakata oiwake." Today, it has become a representative min'yō of Yamagata Prefecture.

Vocalist: Suzuki Toshitsugu
Audio/image editor: Suzuki Shingo